Sunday, April 27, 2008

Get In The House

Those of you who have lived with me (and probably most of the rest of you) know that I'm a total slob at home, so you can understand why I haven't posted any pictures of my apartment yet, but a friend was coming over for dinner and LOST so I cleaned all weekend! It's not perfect, but it's very clean for me, so here you go:

First, my building from the outside, I live on the second floor.

Here's a rough layout for reference.The front door is in the kitchen.

The bathroom is on the right.
This is looking back at the front door.

There are two rooms, but the sliding doors between them open all the way. This is my living space.

This is what it looks like at night. I sleep in a traditional Japanese futon, which is nothing like futons in the States! It's basically thick blankets that you put in the closet during the day (theoretically).

And this is what it looks like in the winter. There is an electric heater attached to the underside of the table. It so toasty warm under there!

This is looking back at the middle room.

I have a small balcony where the washing machine is, and I hang my clothes to dry out there. There is a grocery store right behing my building. Here's the view.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Get Out The House

In January I made a deal with my friend Kesha to do something interesting at least once a week, take pictures and report back to each other. We were both a little unmotivated and thought the agreement would encourage us to "get out the house" and enjoy the time we have in the places we are. Because of the time difference we had a hard time getting ahold of each other for the reporting part, so we decided to make a blog that we could add to and check at any time. Plus hopefully we'll help other people "get out the house" too!

I'll still be writing on here about my experience living and working in Japan, but I'll be putting sight seeing and other outings on there instead. Enjoy!

Get Out The House

Back to School

I haven't written much about the job, that's because it's mostly awful. Actually, I enjoy the teaching part, but I have an average of 2.5 classes per day, which leaves about 5 hours that I have to be at school or the Board of Education Office, usually with absolutely no work to do. So the boredom that I wrote about in my first post has been pretty consistent, just the place where I'm sitting around doing nothing has changed. Which leads me to my second issue with the job. I go to a different school every two weeks! I mentioned this schedule before, but at the time I really didn't know what it would be like. It has meant that it is difficult to follow where they are in the English curriculum, it's nearly impossible to have relationships with teachers, and it's actually impossible to get to know any students.

But, this post is not meant to be focused on complaints (that might come another time) but to highlight an exception! This week was the first of the school year, which runs from April until March, and I was at Nishi Joyo Junior High School for the first time. The first few days don't have any regular classes and are full of preparations and ceremonies, so I didn't expect to have much to do all week. I was pleasantly surprised to have 5 classes scheduled in the second half of the week and almost shocked that the lead English teacher had some assignments for me on the first day!

The most exciting of which was decorating an empty classroom that will now be the English room for 2nd grade students (corresponds to 8th grade in the US). I'm hoping to add more but here's what I have so far. (I had a lot of fun with the months and the weather!)

The pictures on these days of the week are too light, oops!

I'm planning to add information about which countries speak English.

On the left there are current 10-day forecasts for Seattle and Kyoto. The weather signs are cut from construction paper.