Saturday, September 1, 2007


Summer in Kyoto starts and ends with rain. Between is the blaringly bright, swelteringly hot, stiflingly humid period in which I arrived. There is no relief from shade, from a breeze or even at night. I wouldn't survive without my air conditioner! This year we were really lucky in Joyo. It got up to 40°C (104°F), which is hotter than it has been in over 70 years! Now it has started raining. It’s not the cold constant drizzle of Seattle, but warm heavy downpours with thunder and lightning that could end (or start) at any moment. My primary mode of transportation is bicycle and the school I start working at next week is 30 minutes away. I've been advised to get a poncho.

Summer’s redeeming quality is that it is full of festivals. Soon after I arrived one of the other AETs and I went to a small children’s festival in our neighborhood. Most of the kids knew him from school and were excited to see him. We talked with the children, looked around at the food and activity booths and had some kakigori (shaved ice).

In the middle of August many people celebrate Obon, a Japanese Buddhist holiday honoring their ancestors. Some go to their hometowns to visit and clean their ancestors’ graves. There are also fireworks shows and lantern festivals. I went to Nara Tokae, a festival in which tens of thousands of candles are lit throughout Nara Park. It was beautiful! (Hmm...the flash kinda ruins it, sorry.)

Last week I went to a Jizo Festival with Makiko, who works at the Joyo International Exchange Association, and her parents. Jizo are small stone statues that “live” in little shrines all over the place and protect the neighborhood children. In preparation the families in the area offer food to the Jizo. The gifts are displayed with the Jizo, a donation box, a couple candles and a container of sand. There were about 15 of these in the area. Children go around to each one, put some change in the box, light a stick of incense and stand it up in the sand, and pray. Then they get a treat, it’s like Halloween without costumes!

Today was my last work day before school starts. I’m excited to have something to do and start working with students, but I’m also nervous. Wish me luck!

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