Saturday, January 19, 2008

Winter Vacation Part II-Family

After years of life in the islands, my whole family is back in the States. In fact four of the six of us are in Colorado! Tadashi (19) is working as a ski lift operator in Breckenridge, Mariko (16) is working at a restaurant, doing correspondence school and living with our dad in Rye, and our mom is working from home for a company based in Washington, D.C. and living with her husband in Colorado Springs. The four of us "kids" went to Mom's house first where we celebrated Christmas early. On the 22nd we opened our Christmas Eve Gifts from Rudolph, which were pajamas, as is our tradition, and talked and wrapped presents and had vegan chili for dinner. The next morning we had cinnamon rolls and bagels for breakfast while we opened our gifts and stockings. On Monday the four of us stopped in Pueblo for some last minute shopping on the way to Rye. Christmas with Dad included silly putty, a huge coloring book and a Hot Wheels track, we spent most of the day playing! It snowed about 7 inches making it a very White Christmas!

Note: Miranda (25) is living in Seattle with her tiny Chihuahua named Maile and working with the 1-year-olds in a daycare.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was looking up information on Joyo City and I found your blog. I just got my placement for the JET Program yesturday, and I was placed in Joyo! I was hoping we could message back and forth as I have some questions about the city and other specific things.